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Records at UO

The goal of University Records Management is to help employees understand what they need to keep, where they need to keep it, how long they need to keep it, and what they can and should destroy.

What is a record?

University Retention Schedules

Resources for managing records

Defining a record

What counts as a record and what records need to be retained are common questions when it comes to records management. University Records Management works to help university employees understand what university records are and how to manage them.

What is a record?

Organizing files

Effective records management starts with implementing an efficient system for retaining, accessing, and disposing of records. There are a number of best practices you can follow for organizing and disposing of records following university policy.

Manage records

Going digital

The format of our work is constantly becoming more and more digital. With the increased adoption of digital tools for collaboration and work, it is important to manage the records created by these actions efficiently. We have a number of resources available:

We are continuing to develop more resources and will share them with campus when they are available.

Retention schedule

In accordance with university policy, the UO Records Retention Schedule provides timeframes, high-level responsibilities, and any special handling instructions associated with records in any media (paper, digital, or other). It serves as the core procedure related to records management at the UO, and is a key resource for identifying which records are subject to retention and their retention period.



An important aspect of records management is disposing of records as soon as they reach the end of their retention period or are no longer useful. University Records Management has a number of resources to help employees and units store and dispose of records easily and efficiently.

Some records must be retained permanently. See the What is a Record page for more information.

Records disposal

Updates and training

University Records Management continues to develop resources to help with the management of university records. As more resources become available, we will share them with campus.

We can also provide trainings for new records stewards or other employees interested in learning more about University Records Management. To request a training, email records@uoregon.edu.

Recent updates

computer with Microsoft Teams open
Chat Retention Implementation

In partnership with Information Services, University Records Management is implementing automated retention features for Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Skype for Business. 

Learn more


• University Records Management shared a message with faculty, staff, and graduate employees reminding them of their obligations related to managing records and providing an update on the chat auto-retention project.
• University Records Management shared a message with faculty, staff, and graduate employees reminding them of their obligations related to managing records and providing an update on the chat auto-retention project.
• The following message was sent to academic and administrative leadership providing a reminder about the chat auto-retention project and its upcoming implementation.

More Updates

Frequently Searched Topics

Records management can be complicated. These are a few of the topics that our office often gets questions about. For more resources, visit our FAQ.

Records Stewards

To assist with the orderly retention and management of records, units across campus are encouraged to designate records stewards. The stewards work closely with Records Management to understand the responsibilities we share for retaining records and act as a resource for employees within their unit.


Have questions about public records or records management? For more information, you can email us at records@uoregon.edu.